The Three meta-efforts
1 - Meditation
Meditation is the first and most important practice that must be undertaken in the work of reconnecting to the Daimon. It appears in all ancient practices as the main thing you need to do to attain higher consciousness. Yet, people will do almost anything to avoid establishing a daily meditation practice. In the occult world, volumes have been written proposing ‘easier’ paths to consciousness that avoid any real internal focusing of attention. Light some candles, say some magic words, and maybe masturbate is all you need to do. Such activities can make you feel like you have accomplished something, but if you have found such a feeling to be fleeting, perhaps you are ready for something more substantial. Conventional religion has mutated meditation into the modern concept of prayer – rather than the hard work of developing attention, just supplicated and beg a higher power – or higher class (Priesthood) to take care of everything for you. They have perverted the most essential sacred activity of the individual into a propaganda device for social control. This is why, for inspiration, we return to the most ancient systems and documents for guidance, like the Secret of the Golden Flower, the Bhagavad Gita, the Philokalia, The Bible, the Gathas of Zarathushtra, etc. With meditation, you take total responsibility for the effort, and that’s one reason it works. It must be done daily and for a significant amount of time each day (at least ½ hour). A consistent practice must be developed and then continued. Typically, it is years before significant results occur. Still, it doesn’t matter how long it takes because you will have to make the commitment to meditation a life-long pursuit long before you sense any benefits. It’s always hard at first but eventually there is a point where it get’s easier, it’s like building up muscle strength with exercise, but you are exercising the ‘small’ muscles that no one in a fitness class can teach you about. First, your physiology will begin to re-order itself, the immediate atmosphere surrounding you, and eventually, the larger universe in which you exist. This is the true Higher Magic of the Magoi, the Men of Form, and the Brahmins – transform yourself with inner fire, and then the world transforms with you.
2 - Diet
We recommend a diet based on animal products, somewhere on the Carnivore/Keto spectrum. This may come as a shock to people who have always associated meditation with hippies and veganism. Still, like so many other things, there are more political and economic reasons that meditation got tangled up with veganism than any actual health benefit. Long-term veganism can lead to general weakness and sluggishness of being as well as various vitamin deficiencies, obesity, insulin resistance, etc. Many other Eastern and Kundalini resources recommend a fatty meat-based diet, but these have been largely ignored or buried in modern times. We are rehabilitating and illuminating them now. A high protein diet that burns fat for energy will give you the power you need to activate a Second Awakening and maintain the extra store of energy to maintain the state going forward. Connected with diet is the practice of sobriety, in regard to alcohol and hard drugs. They do no good for the body/mind/soul as it is, let alone help open the door to anything higher. It is only Postmodernist occultism and fake religions that have introduced the idea that someone can be whacked out on drugs or die of alcoholism and still be an enlightened guru at the same time. These things need to be dropped to make a serious effort toward a Second Awakening.
3 - Sexual Integration
The idea of a vital life-force energy associated with sexuality was well known in ancient times and, in modern times, was scientifically identified by Anton Mesmer, Wilhelm Reich, James Demeo, and others. Rather than allowing this primal force to flow through you – to control, consume, and leave you feeling empty and wasted – you must learn to retain and integrate the energy. This was a practice known to the ancients, but with the rise of monotheism, it was perverted into total abstinence. Total abstinence is unnecessary to activate the Second Awakening. Great Nature has a purpose for the externalization of sexual energy/fluids, which is for the continuance of the species and proliferation of organic life on Earth. It serves another purpose, which is for the moment beyond us. Expulsion of energy outwardly gives birth to a new kind of life; retention inwardly gives birth to yet another kind of life – the birth of a higher intelligence within the individual. Excessive expulsion of energy outwardly via promiscuity, multiple partners, excessive masturbation, and so forth deprives us of the energy needed for this inner work. From pornography to ‘sex education’ for schoolchildren, ‘hook-up’ culture, there seems to be no end to the new ways to waste sexual energy that Liberal society can concoct externally. Now, they are promoting gender-reassignment surgery, which completely eliminates the biological mechanism that Great Nature provided us with, in favor of total dependence on the external sources of social approval and Government Health Care. The powers that be love this because it keeps the masses confused, docile, and totally dependent on authority. The Postmodern Occultisms and Fake Religions have done no good here either, often promoting all manner of promiscuity, group sex rituals, and glorifying masturbation. Anyone can see that a grown man who sits in his parents’ basement playing video games and masturbating all day isn’t going anywhere in life but frame it in the context of ‘Sex Magic’ and suddenly he’s an Adept. Perhaps he will even one day masturbate his way into the degree of Magister Templi. Literal masturbation is just as much of a waste as ‘mental’ masturbation; no matter how many ribbons and bows you put on, it’s still a waste of time and, more importantly, a waste of vital energy and nourishment that could be used to create something higher by retaining it.